Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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Text File
202 lines
Corrected exit errors when file open etc.
Allow exit if connected with warning.
Appearance of 'notify' box corrected.
Autosave of the rx buffer included.
Warning of nothing to send included.
File percentage sent indicator added.
Filter low and high characters added plus set up window.
03:05:93 v1.00
Minor ammendments to the rx procedure.
Memory is geting tight so had to go to 160k slot.
Corrected fault in callsign grab.
Readout of spool file length in tx window.
Use KATN to move caret on (RISC USER may93 page 66)
Add click on number of lines free icon toggles buffer
03:05:93 v1.1
Blank lines now detected in user files1 (calls, commands and monitor).
[07] characters were missing from spool to disc files.
Infinite error loop removed from read defaults proc (i hope) !
Rename "set filter" to "set items" and include option to save
notify on/off along with the default filter settings.
Several small buggettes detected thanks to a friend who let me use
his ABC compiler (incidently it would not compile due to my use
of "illegal" instructions which are in the Acorn User Guide !!!).
Caret now correctly positioned after grabbing text.
Pressing return in the "savebox" buffer save writeable icon DID NOT
cause a save to take place.
Certain colours in the tx window now definable.
v1.13 21:05:93
Some minor tidying up, close serial window after choice made.
v1.14 13:06:93
Set tnc clock added to 'misc' menu.
v1.15 18:06:93
Lost characters om tx ??? could it be the free space in the tx buffer
So make adval-3>120 and keep paclen at 80.
v1.2 21:06:93
Transfer to edit window working (f5).
v1.3 28:06:93
Fully automatic logging function installed.
v1.31 10:07:93
Transmit a file can now be triggered by pressing f6.
Reminded by Ben (G0SOQ) to check we are using RISC OS 3 ONLY !
v1.4 04:08:93
Removed small bug from tx window and added send to printer routine.
v1.41 09:08:93
Some tidying of code in general, small bugs removed (i hope) and
source code compressed from 49k+ to 20k or so. (Virtual code also
v1.5 02:09:93
'Infinite' rx buffer added using Wimp heap routines from G0SOQ
File sent bytes indicator window added.
v1.51 22:09:93
Several bugs cured(?) in the buffer area.
v1.52 25:09:93
Previous version corrupted messages where the text was unformatted
i.e. lines longer than 80 characters.
v1.53 30:09:93
Some minor tidying up in library (multiple exits).
v1.54 03:10:93
Added facility to send tx text to the buffer.
v1.54c 17:10:93
File size added to tx file info window.
v1.55 01:11:93
Limitation of 64k applied to pipe to !Edit
Poll 10 times per second now
v1.6 21:11:93
Drag from !Edit added, cheated a bit here as all it does is to tell !Edit to save to
"!Term93.Temp.temp" and then sends that file. The file is deleted after sending.
v1.62 28:11:93
For anyone who has a problem setting "AUTOLF" OF or ON then the receive
procedure now looks for any occurence of two line feeds (CHR$10) in a row
and deletes one of them.
TX window wrap round error fixed (when 'echo on' wrap round crapped all over
the place).
v1.8 10:12:93
Search and find in review implemented plus some tidying up.
v1.81 15:12:93
Improved exit if buffer in use box and caret sprite added to pointer
when over the tx window.
v1.82 19:12:93
Didn't like the write caret icon so have ditched that, couldn't get it to
come on ONLY when over a writeable icon.
Made 'buffer open' more obvious for Karrl with his medium res. monitor.
v1.9 20:12:93
Lines containing the text in the 'search' icon in the search window may now
be saved to a file on their own.
v2.0 25:12:93
New cmd: and misc windows added
v2.01 28:12:93
Minor error (misc window didn't close on select)
v2.1 24:01:94
Added routine to check ram free before pipe to !Edit
Open sub windows if screen wide enough
v2.11 04:03:94
Not much here, pointer changes to caret over writeable icons.
v2.3 10:05:94
Window added to allow up to 32 user configurable lines of text to be saved
sent to the tnc etc.
Ticks added to main menu window selections.
I wonder if I should togle ALL the windows ?
v2.31 24:05:94
RX window ducked behind other windows on a connect, now comes to the front.
v2.41 05:06:94
Password logon to NNA BBS's added, FBB version to follow (I hope).
v2.42 20:06:94
The "footer" file looked as if it could be sent by clicking on it, this was
never meant to be so it has been removed from the on-screen menu. It still
works as before.
19200 baud included to suit the RISC_PC
v2.43 04:07:94
The pipe to edit number is now read from disc and the updated number is
stored back to disc at the transfer time.
v2.44 14:08:94
Leading spaces now detected when grabbing message numbers.
v2.5b 14:08:94
Block driver version.
v2.51b 01:09:94
Wow I,m xx !! O.K. to business, clicking (unticking) active now also
changes the iconbar icon to indicate the inactive state.
************************ WARNING ************************
The selection of the various block drivers should perform
without error but be warned that several of the block-
drivers have NOT BEEN TESTED with !Term93. Any errors or
problems will be of interest to me especially how well
!Term93 performs when used with a dual serial port card as
I do not have access to one even for testing. PLEASE get
the network sysop's permission before attempting to use the
Econet block driver (assuming you are on a network).
************************ WARNING ************************
v2.6b 18:09:94
!Term93 will now save the position of most of its windows to be used as new
default window positions.
v2.62b 03:10:94
Choice of rs port for dual port boards added.
v2.64b 03:11:94
Now using version 10 block drivers. Footer text is now auto-centred.
Path to find either the standard block drivers or the term93 driver
now working, the line below added to !Run file
Set Term93Resources$Path "<SerialDev$Path>modules.,<Term93$Dir>.modules."
program now searches both '<SerialDev$Path>modules.' and
'<Term93$Dir>.modules' for the files.
v2.7b 04:12:94
Control O now opens up the user directories.
'footer' files which were too long would corrupt, fixed. The footer is now
sent ala proper multi-tasking style.
The PK88 and possibly other tnc's show the connect status on pin 8 of their
RS port inverted when compared with the KAM. Facility to change added.
When tx'd text was sent to the buffer there wasn't alwas a linefeed on the
end, that is now added.
Password window now closes on a 'select' click.
Password window now saves at correct press of return in last icon.
Callsign trap introduced.
v2.71b 16:12:94
Oops the Callsign trap had problems It didn't work.
v2.72b 02:01:95
The /EX centre thingy didn't like it if the /ex wasn't in uPPER CASe,
doesn't matter now.
v2.73b 06:01:95
Stop search window grabbing the caret every time it's redrawn !
v2.8b 06:02:95
Correct review window such that it can be dragged off screen.
Grab caret when no-one else has it and the tx window is opened.
v3.0 07:07:95
Save positions of all windows.
Allow setting up of all windows.
Allow easy setting up of text to be hi-lighted
Colour selector for rx, tx and review windows.
TX window now pane to rx window.
Search and find no longer case sensitive.
Mark block in review window.
Callsign entry removed from log window, user now enters it on first running
Buffer on/off now works on both icons in the tx window.
Several other minor changes.
v3.01 23:07:95
Review window did not show hi-lighted section if the highest number line was
marked first. This has been bodged but I am not so sure I have done it
Corrected new user bug.
v3.03 31:07:95
Small window spacing error and menu height.
Correct fatal error if a matrix file was missing, user now warned.
v4.00 Many modifications to large areas of the program such that a new
version was thought to be the thing to do.
v4.04 Small oopses rectified. Can't quit program with rx spool file open.
v4.05 Default file path doesn't alwas appear in save box. Hopefully cured.
n4.06 Ensure delete ALL files in "TEMP" after sending.